Pitstop 5
The Life of a Campaign Manager pt.2
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Pitstop 5 focuses on Account Engagement tools for third-party monitoring, to ensure you never miss an activity or social posting in your org. Use Connectors and Page Actions to alert your sales team when a prospect visits a given page or takes a specific action.
Features covered
Account Engagement Custom Redirects
This feature allows us to track engagement with marketing content on any link on our website, even a third-party website, or any other web page. This means we can utilise this nifty Account Engagement tool pretty much anywhere, to report on our ‘Marketing Assets’ – and not just those hosted in Account Engagement! In this pitstop, we will take you through the setup and how to apply the action for prospects that do interact with your third-party assets.
This feature allows us to track engagement with marketing content on any link on our website, even a third-party website, or any other web page. This means we can utilise this nifty Account Engagement tool pretty much anywhere, to report on our ‘Marketing Assets’ – and not just those hosted in Account Engagement! In this pitstop, we will take you through the setup and how to apply the action for prospects that do interact with your third-party assets.
Page Actions
A powerful tool which allows you to track particular page visits and apply actions based on the interaction. Discover how to setup page actions in Account Engagement and how you can also loop Sales in on the page visits.
Social Connectors
Discover how to set up social connectors such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in Account Engagement, to gather insights on link clicks, replies, comments, retweets, and likes.
View Pitstop 6
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